About the Journal

The academic journal of the Institute of Slavic Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences) «Slavic Almanac» Thе academic journal “Slavic Almanac” reflects the main directions of complex academic Slavic studies. The edition includes articles and materials on the history of Slavic peoples, linguistics, ethnolinguistics and literary studies. The chronological span of the publications is from the Middle Ages to date. The issue will interest both researchers and a wide range of readers.

The journal was registered on March 30th, 2015 by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media. Certificate of registration: ПИ № ФС77-61 134.

Subscription index in the Combined Catalogue «The Press of Russia» is 80 313.

The journal is included into the List of leading peer-reviewed academic journals and editions where key scholarly results of Cand. Sci. and Dr. Sci. theses should be published.

Current Issue

No. 1-2 (2024): Slavic Almanac

Full Issue


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